Thursday, August 29, 2013

Mopping is AWESOME!!

I like to mop. Getting the hot water in the bucket, putting a little pine sol in. Putting the mop in the water and washing my floors. I love the whole process. I was even looking forward to doing it here because I have more floor. 

I take it all back!!! 

I swept my floor and mopped and it took me 5 minutes. That was even stopping to take pictures!!! 

I LOVE my Norwex mop!!!! 

My floor is even dry already! lol 

So here I will break down my five minutes;

  • Whitney removed the floor mats while I put the dry mop head on the mop handle. 
  • I swept, I took a picture. I forgot to take one of the dry mop before. Sorry! 
  • I took blue mop head (took a picture of before!) and wet it  down. Rolled it up to get out most of the water. 
  • I then took the dry mop pad off, and put the wet one on. 
  • Adjusted the mop for Avery. She really really wanted to mop. 
  • I took a picture. She was done, then I mopped. 

All done!! 

Did I tell you my floors are already dry? 
Did I tell you that it took me longer to type this then it did to do clean my floor? 
Eeek!! I LOVE THIS MOP!!! 
Dry Mop Head

Wet Mop (BEFORE)
Wet Mop (AFTER)
Avery my little helper. 
It's a little to big for her but,
she was still able to mop.


So happy to be helping Mommy! 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Coloring My Hair

I hate doing it. In fact I have put it off for so long that my out growth is probably two inches. Something you do not want to happen!! 

First, I hate it because I do it at home, in the bathroom. 

Second, it smells, bad. Now I worked as a shampoo girl in Junior High and High School, I know bad smells. This is just on a different level of strong bad smell. 

Third, I can not see the back of my head no matter how many mirrors I try to use. It's just not happening.

Fourth, Chris has to be home so he can play with Avery. I do not like him seeing me this way..... with crazy wife hair. 
It's embarrassing. 

Fifth, I have to have clean hair. This almost never happens because I put stuff in it to keep my curls from becoming an afro. Not a good look on me. Trust me, I tried straightening my hair in HS, one time. I looked like the white version of Diana Ross. Again, not a good look on me! 

So back to the coloring of my hair. I hate doing it. Period. That's why I haven't done it. So you wonder, why even color your hair if you hate it so much? 

That's a great question!! 

Here is why. I had planned on being a hair stylist back in the day. So I had no plans on going gray gracefully. I was going to fight it tooth and nail!! No one was going to even know my real hair color. HA! To be honest after I have done it, I love it and wonder why I dragged my feet for so long. I then re-promise myself that I will not wait that long again to color. Well you see where that has gotten me. 

So does anyone feel like coming over to do it for me? lol.

Monday, August 19, 2013

I'm TRYING to be a Good Diabetic

This time I really am. I went to the diabetic educator last Wednesday. I knew that I was going to get a "talking to". The lady that I see, she is very nice, but direct. She will not tell me, you have to do this. She will just show me what will happen to me if I do not get my blood sugars under control. I have seen the things that she showed me before. When I went with Chris. After his appointments, I would ride him on what she said. Funny how when it's happening to you, it can all go in one ear and out the other. To say that I was in denial would be putting it lightly. I still wanted to eat as much cereal as I had been. I LOVE cereal and could eat it for every meal, no kidding

                           It's easy and I am lazy. 

Chris got this diet book in the mail from a co-worker and now his is crazy about it. So we have been kinda following that. What I mean by that is, when Chris first got the book he skipped through found the foods to avoid and the foods to eat. I wrote that list down and that is what we have been trying to follow. We shop the perimeter, for the most part. We still need to go into the pickle aisle for Avery, and I like to pick up black olives. I have also been trying to eat foods that are gluten-free. Not because I need to, just because I feel better when I do. I have family and friends that have to be gluten-free.  Why not try to have things here for them to eat? Do you know how many things have gluten in them? Oh my gosh. Well that's for another blog post. 

So now the plan for me is to check my blood sugars every morning when I get up. Eat within the first half an hour then check it again two hours later. I can eat every 4-5 hours. I have to check my blood sugars before eating then two hours later. Just like in the morning. I need to do this for a week. Three meals two snacks. I need to stay 10 carbs or less everyday. (15 grams = 1 carb) I also need to get back to the gym. This summer has been hard on me! It's not the holidays that do me in, it's the summer. I have no where I HAVE to go, so I don't. I don't get up and take a shower right away. I stay up way to late so do the girls. Then we do not get up until late. This is one of the many reasons I would not be able to home school. I need that place I have to be. 

Long story short, I have been doing much better. My blood sugars have been lower. Not as low as they should be, so I will be calling my Dr. in a couple of days. Today I have plans to go to the gym. I have a great group of ladies around me that know what I am going through and support me. I could not do it without them.