Friday, July 19, 2013

Week in Review

The week is almost over so I figured I would update everyone on how it is going. Today is the last day of S.T.E.M. camp for Whitney. She is loving it, she met two new friends and is looking forward to start in September. 

Avery got sick in the car for the first time in a very long time. First time in the new car. She is feeling better now. We have been getting a little cabin fever with it being so hot outside. She has turned into a crazy child. I got her some water colors and now almost everything has been painted. 

Chris got a bigger fish tank a few weeks ago. This week he has lost three out of five fish. He has been super busy at work and signed up for a mud run in August. 

As for me, I have been working out more this week then I have in a while. I am so proud of myself. I have been running on the track!! Yesterday my breathing was really good. I am not going to break any time records, yet!! 

Thanks for stopping by!! 

1 comment:

  1. Woo hoo to running!!! And sorry to hear about Avery getting sick. I'm glad you wrote this since I missed last week of your life while I was away :-(
